Gosto de escrever. Normalmente, muito mais do que falar. Acho que me expresso melhor escrevendo. Consigo colocar melhor meus sentimentos dessa maneira...
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Mission Valley East!
I'm at Mission Valley East! https://ift.tt/3mNAvni (December 10, 2021 at 08:38PM)
Fonte: Sergio is returning from a trip to Quito, Ecuador. http://www.tripit.com/trip/show/id/55700731/traveler_fb_uid/100000161360695?us=fc&um=fa&un=fr TripIt - Free online trip planner and free travel itinerary website for organizing vacations, group trips or business travel Creado por Sergio Morilo Rodrigues em December 04, 2012 at 06:40AM